Sunday, July 29, 2012

Avery is starting to get on a schedule. We have had some rough nights, but she is doing great! Here is her two week old picture....keeping with our "owl" theme. We have our first doctor's appointment on Thursday. We are excited to take her on her first outing and maybe even get some lunch!

Avery 2 weeks old

Friday, July 20, 2012

I'm so excited to get in a few newborn pictures of Avery! Here's what I have so far...ENJOY!
One week today!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I woke up on Friday the 13th wanting to "just be checked" by the doctor, one last time before our scheduled induction for Monday the 16th. The office fit me because I wasn't sure if I was loosing fluid or not. The previous Monday when I went in for my normal appointment, I had lost 3 lbs. and it concerned Fletch and I a little bit. The ultrasound showed that my fluid around the baby was extremely low. The doctor came in and said, "It looks like we are going to have a baby today!" Fletch's exact words were, "As in call the family?" She said, "Absolutely!!" Fletch and I were a little caught off guard and then elated with excitement!

We were admitted around 11 a.m. and everything went pretty fast from there. I was already 3 cm along and the pitocyn was started. I quickly moved to 4 cm!...and quickly asked for the epidural. After waiting 30 minutes, I demanded the epidural.  I was ready to start intense pushing at 4:30 p.m. The doctor started encouraging a cesarian delivery after 1 1/2 of pushing. We had great progress until Avery got stuck under my pelvic bone and wouldn't move down. As long as Avery was not in any kind of distress, we were very insistent on continuing pushing. It took a total of 3 hours, but we welcomed Avery into the world at 7:39 p.m. She weighed 8 lbs. 10 oz. and measured 21 inches long. This was a complete surprise due to the fact the doctor had thought she would weight around 6-7 lbs! We are so blessed to have such a perfect addition to our family.  We love her so much and thank God for such a special gift. Thank you to everyone who sent best wishes and prayers.

Avery Claire Little

Monday, July 9, 2012

39 weeks!
Fletch and I are so excited...this is our due date "week." We hope to meet Avery Claire soon. Her due date is on Friday (the 13th) and if she doesn't come by then, we will be checking in at 5 a.m. at St. Vincent's Hospital, on Monday.  I saw the doctor today and I'm at 2 cm now and 90% effaced. This time next week, we'll be new parents! Thanks to everyone who has called and share our excitement during this special time!