Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Avery laughs, and laughs...

7 months old today!

The end of our 6th month

As the 6th month with Avery ends, we have enjoyed all the new adventures this month has brought to our family. Avery is now on solids and has enjoyed EVERY different food I have offered to her. Her favorite fruit is pears and her favorite veggie is sweet peas. Just yesterday we tried mangos for the first time and she enjoyed them after making a "sour" face. This month she has been riding in the stroller like a big girl, forward facing. She loves it and enjoys shopping even more! She is a lot more mobile and has started pulling in her knees. It won't be too much longer before she starts crawling...scary! Our newest outing - the bowling alley. She loves all the noise and watching the pins. She slept the first hour we were there. FINALLY, she is getting use to the car!!! We can't wait to see what next month brings...

Sitting forward in the stroller now and loving it!

Avery, asleep at the bowling alley

We're bathing in the big tub now

She wants to crawl soooo badly, but she can only go backwards right now