Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Avery's first time to the park!

We were so excited to see the sun come out!! Avery can sit up by herself now and I've been wanting to take her to the swing at the park. Monday we went while Fletch was off and took Bella too.

Family Fun Day...

Thursday, January 17, 2013

January 17, 2013 
Avery's first snow

Avery fell asleep while Fletch was building her a snowman

She woke up just in time to see it before the sun went down!

We are soooo excited for Avery to start baby food! Tuesday, 1/15/13, she had apples for her first food. 

The "blur" you see, is Daddy's "airplane"

Let the fun begin!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Avery is 6 months old today and is really exploring! She's sitting up by herself now and is extremely strong. She'll be crawling in no time.

Mom gave her a toothbrush for infants and Avery loves it!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

I can't believe Avery will be 6 months old tomorrow. Here are some random picture of this month that I haven't posted yet.

After Bath!

Nap time
We had fun at the park today. While Avery is not able to do anything yet, she had so much fun watching the others and our friends Kim with her little girl Peyton.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Random pictures

Bella and Avery watching some football

After Bath

I don't know if Bella is more jealous or spoiled

Love the highchair

Avery took her first "spa" bath in the whirlpool tub with Daddy. She loved it... Splish, splash!

Avery has found her feet!

December 13, 2012

I know I'm a little behind on posting, but we have had a wonderful Christmas holiday. Avery saw Santa for the first time and she loved him! We were blessed to be able to see all our family. We are so loved and appreciate the time we spent with loved ones. Here's a few pics...
Love the bows

What's in here?

Santa didn't forget about Bella. The biggest bone she's ever seen!